Sale Alert | Clarisonic

Clarisonic PLUS Skin Cleansing System
For a limited time save 20% on all Clarisonic products at Use coupon code “VogMag” on orders $149 or more, now through 7/24/11 11:59 PDT. 

Stay tuned for results from my Clarisonic challlenge... 

As a Vogue Influencer I was invited to test out the Clarisonic PLUS ($225). I'll fill you in on how it compares to a similar system that's available for a fraction of the price- the Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System ($30). We'll see if the 'proof' is in the price!



  1. Do you have to Olay? I don't have one, I'm really excited to test out the Clarisonic. ^^ *high five*

  2. I've been using the Olay one for about a month now. I'm excited to compare them! :)


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