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Last Week I got the chance to participate in a very unique styling challenge. GUYandGIRL Boutique at the Shelborne Hotel invited four bloggers to host a tweet-up, where we each styled our own mannequin with a head-to-toe look from the shop. The hook? The outfit with the most RT (re-tweets, or shares) on Twitter would be deemed the winner AND one lucky tweeter would take home the whole look! Kudos to Ria Michelle who took home top honors for her styling skills. Pictured: All smiles with my favorite boho babe, The Fashion Poet, Annie. Photo courtesy Bella Mente Photography.

What I Wore
Top- ASOS (similar)
Belt- Atikshop
Elephant Ring- bebe (no longer available.)

Ready to run with my mannequin- I wanted every piece! Photo courtesy World Red Eye.

View more #GGtweetup photos on Facebook


GUYandGIRL Boutique Hosts Spring Fashion Tweetup

No accessory will be spared as Miami fashion bloggers face-off in a styling competition this Thursday from 7-9pm at GUYandGirl Boutique at the Shelborne South Beach.

Join me and fellow bloggers, Annie Vazquez a.k.a. The Fashion Poet, Ria Michelle, and Susset Cabrera of Miami Beats & Sazon, as we style spring's latest looks and let you choose your favorites.

Bar Tanaka will be serving up light bites and sake sangria, while shoppers will be treated to 15% off any purchase.

The magical thing about a tweetup is that you can participate even if you're not there in the flesh. Connect with us on twitter and join the conversation for your chance to win the Fan Favorite Raffle. RT your favorite blogger-styled look (hopefully mine!) using hashtag #GGtweetup and you'll be entered to win the top look. Make sure to like the GUYandGIRL Boutique Spring Tweetup page on Facebook for photos and voting.


GUYandGIRL Boutique (@ShopGUYandGIRL)
Thursday, March 15th,  7-9PM

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